Monday, February 21, 2011

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

This is my first blog attempt! I am looking to use this forum for information and updates regarding our small, but growing family. 

Here is a little bit about my family up until this point:

My husband and I bought a house in Menomonee Falls, WI in August 2009. 

We brought with us my two kitties, Hitch - Like the Movie :) and Orange - Like the Color!!!

My husband and I got married in September of 2010 after dating for 7 years...yes, we were high school sweethearts <3 !!!

I selected this picture out of our 1,000 wedding pictures because a mere 3 weeks after our wedding, my grandfather, Robert Bliemeister Sr., passed away. He was 89 years old and lived a long, healthy and fulfilling life. He had never ending wisdom and shared it every time he had the opportunity. I feel blessed to have gotten to share our wedding day with him and miss him very much.

Since our wedding in September, our family has grown considerably. As you know, we came to this house with two cats and that was enough for me, but of course, the man of the house wanted a best friend of his own. This happened fairly quickly. Upon returning from our honeymoon, we began looking for a Labrador puppy that we could adopt. We looked and looked and finally at the beginning of October, we found a breeder in MN that had one for us. We knew they had another little one that was no adopted, but we were going to think about it once we got there. As you could have imagined, we couldn't let this poor little girl not have a home while her sister left to a wonderful cozy home. We ended up with TWO!!! 

I thought long and hard about their names and cleverly came up with Guinness for the black lab we knew we were adopting. Once we got there and saw the other red fox lab, I decided her name should be Kahlua! This is not at all descriptive of the lifestyle we have, just thought they were cute names.

How could we deny such cute faces?!?!? I don't think anyone with a heart could!!!

So, my husband David and I have been living our lives as newlyweds and are enjoying sprucing up our house with decorations and feeling more "grown" up. We are so proud of how much we have, how far we have gotten in life and how much we love our little family in the number of years we have known each other. I speak for myself only, but know David agrees that we could not live without each other and our so happy to be just BEGINNING our lives together!

Looking Forward To Blogging,

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