Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tragedy and Triumph

The month of May is filled with birthdays, anniversaries and other celebrations. I don't know what it was about the month May (or August haha) that everyone in our family decided to have babies or get married, but it is a very busy month for us!

This year, the last week in May held an anniversary that was new to us all. My brother in law, Steve, lost his father last May 25th. The Bliemeisters are very close and we have lovingly become close to all of our spouses' families. Mr. Kargus was a cheerful piece to the puzzle that was now missing. We knew it would be hard for Mrs. Kargus this past year and especially the month of May. Not only is it the anniversary of his death, but also Lisa and Matt's wedding anniversary, Jamie and Steve's wedding anniversary and Jamie and Steve's birthdays. 

With tragedy, there is often a triumph that is hidden for an unknown time, until it is discovered. When Lisa announced that she was pregnant to us all in November of 2011, we all calculated when she would be due to have her baby. You guessed it...she was due May 29th. So close to the passing date of her it a coincidence?!? I don't think so. 

By no means does this soften the hurt of Mr. Kargus' passing, sudden and unexpected as it was, but it gives Mrs. Kargus as well as the entire Kargus family, a reason to celebrate life while remembering life lost. Mr. Kargus passed a week or two before Jamie and Steve found out that they were having a girl last year. He was so excited to become a grandpa and relish in the love that the baby(s) brought. He knew Jamie and Steve were bringing a life into this world when he was her on earth and I KNOW he is aware that Lisa and Matt have done the same. Ashlyn Elyse Kargus was born on September 30, 2011 and less than a year later, Austyn Elizabeth Ditscheit was born on May 27th, 2012. Adding yet another celebration to the busy last week in May. 

Here is grandma Kathy with her grand daughters:

When she is with these girls, here heart is full of joy and I can only imagine the sadness that follows shortly after (while thinking and feeling that void of her loving husband's presence). He would be so proud of how Kathy has gotten on without him and I hope she is proud of herself and knows that we are all here around her for support. 

I believe that with every tragedy, there is a following triumph that is hard to see while you clean yourself out of the dirt and rubble of sadness. It may take a long time to realize the good in every situation, but if you try hard enough and believe, there is always something there waiting to be discovered. Baby Austyn was a great triumph for the Kargus family and I hope she brings much needed happiness during the end of May for their family every year!

Today is Special, don't forget that,

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